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1996 Ratzeburg worlds video ?

Verfasst: Fr 14. Jun 2002, 14:26
von John Ilett
Is the video of the 1996 worlds available> I did have it but is has now gone!

Re: 1996 Ratzeburg worlds video ?

Verfasst: Sa 15. Jun 2002, 00:20
von Burkhard
Als Antwort auf: [B]1996 Ratzeburg worlds video >[/B] von John Ilett am 14. Juni 2002 14:26:27: Hi John, Of course it is! You should ask Dirk (Secretary) or Jens Schoenberg (accountant) for a copy. Dirk can be contacted via e-mail address could be found under: German Moth homepage: Contacts / Deutscher Moth Verband Good luck. How are you going on in Perth> Best Burkh