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Lars is back

Verfasst: Fr 31. Jan 2003, 08:53
von berth

Re: Lars is back

Verfasst: Fr 31. Jan 2003, 22:25
von Lars
Als Antwort auf: [B]Lars is back[/B] von berth am 31. Januar 2003 08:53:30: Yes! Hoping to get down to France. Saw that you did not like the venue. Any particular reason for not attending the worlds >

Re: Lars is back

Verfasst: Sa 1. Feb 2003, 10:59
von berth
Als Antwort auf: [B]Re: Lars is back[/B] von Lars am 31. Januar 2003 22:25:16: Hi Lars, Nice to meet you here. I wasn´t in France last year. Those who were there told about unpleasant conditions espacially the organisation. Please ask Dirk, Joachim, Jenzz or Richard about details. If you´re fond to travelling see our homepage for the dates. There are good races in Berlin, espacially in Oktober. I hope we get an event in Horsens/Danmark as well. berth

Re: Lars is back

Verfasst: Mo 3. Feb 2003, 15:55
von Lars Marklund
Als Antwort auf: [B]Re: Lars is back[/B] von berth am 01. Februar 2003 10:59:33: If I get the opportunity it would be great fun to travel to one of your races. Maybe to get some race practice before the Worlds. /Lars

Re: Lars is back

Verfasst: Di 4. Feb 2003, 17:45
von berth
Als Antwort auf: [B]Re: Lars is back[/B] von Lars Marklund am 03. Februar 2003 15:55:21: >If I get the opportunity it would be great fun to travel to one of your >races. Maybe to get some race practice before the Worlds. /Lars We would be delighted :-)) Travemænde - Ratzeburg : 20km Travemænde - Alfsee : 280 km Rostock - Berlin: 250 km. Get the opportunity... CU berth