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Re: Sailor of the month

Verfasst: Fr 17. Okt 2003, 16:30
von Schweppsmaster
Als Antwort auf: [B]Sailor of the month[/B] von Richard am 17. Oktober 2003 08:50:09: Siehe auch [link=]Playmoth of the Month[/link]

Re: Sailor of the month

Verfasst: Sa 25. Okt 2003, 20:42
von phil
Als Antwort auf: [B]Sailor of the month[/B] von Richard am 17. Oktober 2003 08:50:09: Tough. Extremely conscientious editorial staff. Seamors (nearly) is as fantastic as german paper. RoNan Veal is definitely going to get the "Sailor of the Moth" in the "Flying Months"!!! Yeah, months are really flying as the leaves fom the trees outside my window, (so to speak:) As moth goes by. Superbe Title. ;-) Phil