Dr. Ward - der nexte Streich


Dr. Ward - der nexte Streich

Beitrag von berth » Fr 14. Nov 2003, 09:45

Moin zusammen, "I have recently modified an old non-winged scow Moth hull, placed a single foil on the centreboard and a retractable surface running foil at the bow. No rudder T foil at all. Total cost of materials to make the foils is about $200, even less if you simply modify your existing centreboard!. I took it out last Sunday and got it up and going in about 10-12 kts of wind. There are many things to improve yet, but in principle it all works fine, no capsizes and some good bursts of speed on reaches!." Na, Olav, schon im Keller> ;-))


Re: Dr. Ward - der nexte Streich

Beitrag von Olav » Fr 14. Nov 2003, 11:02

Als Antwort auf: [B]Dr. Ward - der nexte Streich[/B] von berth am 14. November 2003 09:45:25: >Na, Olav, schon im Keller> ;-)) Nee, aber am Zeichenbrett! Gruß, Olav
