Northern Europe Moth Circuit


Northern Europe Moth Circuit

Beitrag von Manfred » Mi 1. Sep 2010, 13:11

Dear Northern Europe Moth Sailors! During the recent EC in Silvaplana we came together with our Swedish and Danish friends and discussed about our racing schedules. Alle three fleets are very small and it can only help raising our competition level, if we come together to race and to party next year. Some suggestions had been made. This is for further discussion. Per (SWE-3140) suggested a regatta near Gothenborg. We agreed with our Danish friends that the Horsens regatta is well located for participants from North and South and we will further discuss an event in the North of Germany to keep traveling feasible. Schlei, Kiel or maybe next year German Championship at Lake Wittensee could be the German part of the Northern Circuit. Special prices will be awarded at the last event of the three events planned. Lets give it a try! smooth sailing! Manfred


Northern Europe Moth Circuit

Beitrag von Søren » Mi 1. Sep 2010, 16:13

Hey to all northern moths. I´ll back the ide about northern regatta plans 100 % up. Horsens is ready. It could be great fun!!! Søren Dear Northern Europe Moth Sailors! » » During the recent EC in Silvaplana we came together with our Swedish and » Danish friends and discussed about our racing schedules. Alle three fleets » are very small and it can only help raising our competition level, if we » come together to race and to party next year. Some suggestions had been » made. This is for further discussion. Per (SWE-3140) suggested a regatta » near Gothenborg. We agreed with our Danish friends that the Horsens » regatta is well located for participants from North and South and we will » further discuss an event in the North of Germany to keep traveling » feasible. Schlei, Kiel or maybe next year German Championship at Lake » Wittensee could be the German part of the Northern Circuit. Special prices » will be awarded at the last event of the three events planned. Lets give it » a try! » » smooth sailing! » Manfred
