


Beitrag von Burkh » Fr 2. Nov 2007, 15:37

Hallo ihr, habe grad im Blog von Phil Stevo gelesen, dass er seine Foils im AMAC style umgebaut hat: // On the good side the new AMAC 10% style mods to the wand and flap linkage has made the boat much more easy to sail. No crashes, no launching and easier take offs. The boat feels safer now to drive it hard without fear of launching at high speed. // Kursiert irgendwo im Netz was detailliertes darüber, welche Modifikationen das sind> Jede Info ist willkommen, danke! Gruß Burkh


Re: 10%ified

Beitrag von sören » Fr 2. Nov 2007, 22:10

Als Antwort auf: [B]10%ified[/B] von Burkh am 02. November 2007 15:37:31: moin, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe steht bei rohan im blog was (22 mai 2007) grüße sören


Re: 10%ified

Beitrag von Ole » Mo 5. Nov 2007, 01:29

Als Antwort auf: [B]10%ified[/B] von Burkh am 02. November 2007 15:37:31: Das von Phil S. hab ich auch gelesen. Das einzig halbwegs konkrete, was ich bislang gelesen hab, steht bei Rohan im Blog: "Monday 22 May, 2007 - Higher Performance Finally Found! Has been a while since my last post, and think that was mainly due to being flat out trying to get four boats ready to take to Sydney for the weekend for some training and tuning with Scott and John. On the friday only Amac and I ventured out in the 15-25 knots, as the other guys had to work. Saturday was a similar breeze and we blasted around doing lots of drill and small course racing with Lex. Over lunch Amac made decided to go on his gut feeling and made some special modifications to my main foil (that he was now using as I had his) and to free up the push rod friction as much as possible. The result was amazing! We all sailed the boat and felt it was way beyond anything that we had ever expected in terms of downwind performance along with a completely smooth ride. If anything it was probably 5-10% faster than anything we had experienced before as well. If only we had our boats set up like this at the last few Moth regattas we had been in! So we came in and took measurements of everything as so we can now make all of our boats the same for the worlds and hopefully send all boats out of the factory like this as well. For those that have boats already, we are working on a document that will reflect all this. Stay tuned." Gruß aus Kiel, Ole


Re: 10%ified

Beitrag von koos » Mi 7. Nov 2007, 23:30

Als Antwort auf: [B]Re: 10%ified[/B] von Ole am 05. November 2007 01:29:28: Hi, Ich denke der Anfang steht hier: http://www.moth.asn.au/forum/viewtopic.php>f=2&t=1701 Ich begreife aber nicht alles, du> Ciao, Koos >Das von Phil S. hab ich auch gelesen. >Das einzig halbwegs konkrete, was ich bislang gelesen hab, steht bei Rohan im Blog: >"Monday 22 May, 2007 - Higher Performance Finally Found! >Has been a while since my last post, and think that was mainly due to being flat out trying to get four boats ready to take to Sydney for the weekend for some training and tuning with Scott and John. On the friday only Amac and I ventured out in the 15-25 knots, as the other guys had to work. Saturday was a similar breeze and we blasted around doing lots of drill and small course racing with Lex. Over lunch Amac made decided to go on his gut feeling and made some special modifications to my main foil (that he was now using as I had his) and to free up the push rod friction as much as possible. The result was amazing! We all sailed the boat and felt it was way beyond anything that we had ever expected in terms of downwind performance along with a completely smooth ride. If anything it was probably 5-10% faster than anything we had experienced before as well. If only we had our boats set up like this at the last few Moth regattas we had been in! So we came in and took measurements of everything as so we can now make all of our boats the same for the worlds and hopefully send all boats out of the factory like this as well. For those that have boats already, we are working on a document that will reflect all this. Stay tuned." >Gruß aus Kiel, Ole



Beitrag von Burkh » Fr 16. Nov 2007, 15:45

Als Antwort auf: [B]Re: 10%ified[/B] von koos am 07. November 2007 23:30:27: Das ist es: Stevo schrieb: Bladerider developed a whole boat in relative short time. Immediately prior to Garda, as well as managing to get everything just strong enough, they spent a lot of time refining the wand/linkage/flap set up. My knowledge is second hand but I understand that some of this development included: Getting all the linkages and pushrods working very freely, >>Alle Gelenke und Schubstangen sollen reibungsfrei arbeiten Reducing slop in the linkages, >>Spiel aus allen Teilen eliminieren Increasing the angle of attack of the main foils with shims in the T joint, (At St George we are using from 1.5 to 3 degrees depending on crew weight.) >>>Mehr Anstellwinkel fürs gesamte foil Changing angles and bellcrank ratios so to get the response as I described above: so the flap comes up strongly when the wand gets near to vertical. und Basically the flap should be neutral when flying at desired height and the wand should be maybe 10 to 15 degrees behind vertical. As you go slightly higher the wand should swing forward and the elastic will pull the flap up. As you go lower the wand will drag heavilly but the flap should not go down more than about 10 degrees. Da ist schon erstmal der Ansatz von der Lupe, über die wir gesprochen haben: Wenn der Sensor frei kommt, schwingt er durch und bei sehr wenig Höhenänderung des Bootes gibt es viel Winkeländerung und damit Klappenverstellung. Wems zu durcheinander war, beschwere sich beim Forenmaster und nicht bei mir. Grunz! Feierabend!! PS: Berth, ich hab da ein Muster für ein nettes Blockmaterial geschickt bekommen, bis 140° wärmefest und leichter fräsbar als Alu, denke ich. ich schicks mal.
